Some of the latest statistics on COVID19 in nursing homes show that, up to this point, more than half of coronavirus deaths in the entire state have been suffered by nursing home residents. This number is incredibly alarming and, if you or a loved one were exposed to COVID19 in a nursing home, it’s absolutely normal for you to wonder whether you’re entitled to compensation.

PA Nursing Home COVID19 Lawsuits

bacteria that can cause an occupational diseaseIt can be said that the number of deaths that have occurred in Pennsylvania nursing homes has highlighted a significant lack of readiness on behalf of nursing homes throughout the state. Indeed, most of us were totally unprepared and never could have expected that such an outbreak could occur. However, most of us are also not tasked with ensuring the safety of residents in our home aside from our family members.

When one places a loved one in a long-term care center such as a nursing home, we expect them to be cared for with compassion. Moreover, their needs should be met, and their health and well-being should always be the top priority. This may not be explicitly stated in any notarized document or invoice, but many family members of nursing home residents would agree that it’s certainly the expectation.

If a nursing home failed in its duty to keep its residents safe from health risks such as viruses or other ailments, then the persons or family members affected by the negligence can pursue a lawsuit for negligence and, if a judge or jury rules in their favor, compensation could be obtained.

This compensation would be based on the damages suffered by the plaintiff or their family members; below, we include some (not all) of the damages that can be taken into consideration in a COVID19 nursing home lawsuit.

Compensation for COVID19 Lawsuits Against Nursing Homes

  • Medical expenses – the symptoms that a COVID19 infection can cause in a victim are severe. As a result, the medical equipment, powerful drugs, and even specialized personnel required to treat them can be quite expensive. Through a legal claim, the victim’s medical expenses could be completely covered.
  • Pain experienced – the emotional and physical pain that a victim and their loved ones are put through if they are inadvertently forced to battle against COVID19 can be overwhelming. There’s no question that it can affect many facets of these persons’ lives, and compensation may be awarded which takes this into account.
  • Loss of companionship – if COVID19 infection due to exposure in a nursing home caused the death of a loved one, a legal claim may produce a compensation that takes into account permanently splintered relationships.

The above list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Each victim that reaches out to our experienced team for help is different from the last. Likewise, each case is different from the last, which means that the damages to be compensated for a case are ever-changing. If you are wondering which damages you may be entitled to if you file a nursing home COVID19 lawsuit, contact our team today to find out more. Our attorneys will review your case at no cost and no obligation to you. We’ll be able to provide the answers to your legal questions, as well as lay out all of your options on the table.

When the same facility that was supposed to keep a loved one safe causes their death or deteriorates their health because of a COVID19 infection, it’s only natural for you to be inclined to seek justice. Our experienced team of nursing home neglect lawyers is ready to help.