As an electrician, you understand that without property safety precautions your life could literally be on the line. Each year, thousands of electricians are seriously injured at work, requiring extensive medical care. This article will cover the most common examples of injuries sustained by electricians. 

The Most Common Injuries Sustained By Electricians At Work 

The following are the most common injuries reported by electricians: 


It’s common knowledge that when working with electricity, coming into contact with a live current can cause damage. One of the injuries that may occur if the skin comes into contact with a live wire is an electrical burn. 

Like other types of burns, electrical burns are categorized into degrees: electrician doing wiring near airline employees

  1. First- degree burns: This type of burn is the most minor, although it can still be quite painful. The injury only impacts the outer layer of the skin. Redness and swelling may occur. 
  2. Second-degree burns: When a burn is second-degree, the damage goes deeper into the layers of the skin and blistering may occur. 
  3. Third-degree burns: All of the layers of the skin are damaged, as well as muscles, tissue, and nerves. This can result in a loss of pain. 

Electrical burns can also happen internally since the current can travel through the body. It’s possible for vital organs to be permanently damaged as a result. 

Burns can be very difficult to treat and it’s not uncommon for secondary infections to occur. It’s important to seek medical help right away for burns.

Electrical Shock 

A little known fact is that an electrical shock can occur without the patient developing burns. Even if burns do not appear, electrical shock can still be very dangerous because it could potentially cause an arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, seizures, difficulty breathing, and the loss of consciousness. 


When working with sharp tools and around sharp materials, lacerations happen. The worst lacerations can cause serious damage to muscles and nerves. 

Injuries Caused By A Fall 

Electrical wires are required at all heights, but the reality is that even a fall from a standing position can cause serious damage. Common injuries caused by a fall include: 

  • Brain injuries 
  • Spine damage 
  • Broken bones 
  • Joint injuries 

Many people assume that in order to be injured in a fall the victim needs to be frail but the reality is that a fall can cause serious damage in a fit and healthy individual. 

Penetrating Injuries 

This may seem like an odd common injury, however, explosions can happen when working with electricity. An explosion can create shrapnel that can enter the body can cause serious damage. 

Any serious injury can cause an electrician to miss weeks or months of work or, even worse, it can end a career. 

OSHA Safety Requirements For Electricians

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has many safety standards when it comes to electrical work and these standards may vary from industry to industry. General standards that apply to every industry include:

  • Using the appropriate protective equipment
  • Maintaining the tools used while working as an electrician. 
  • Deenergizing equipment before inspection or repair
  • Take appropriate training courses 

These suggestions can result in the reduction of workplace accidents and save lives. For the full list of safety standards for a specific industry, visit OSHA’s website. 

For help with a workers’ compensation claim, denial, or appeal, contact the experienced workers’ comp lawyers at Schuster Law.